This research project is exploring how heritage places are valued by communities today – what do they mean to people who live or work nearby, visit, or have personal connections to the area?
If you are familiar with the any of the following places that are cared for by the National Trust for Scotland, then we are interested to hear from you:
Perhaps you live or work locally; visit often or have spent time in the area; hold a position in a community organisation, public body, or private company operating in the area; have personal or professional experience of the property; or maintain a connection from a distance. Whatever the nature of your experiences, memories, thoughts, and feelings about these places, we are keen to include your views.
If you are over 18 years of age and would like to know more about getting involved, please contact Elizabeth Robson at:
During the coming months, members of the research team will be spending time at all of the above properties, so you may see us around or be approached and invited to take part in the project – we will always be identifiable to you by our University of Stirling ID.
Activities will vary and could be one-to-one or involve a small group. They might take place at the property, in a nearby venue, outside while walking through the surrounding area, or via an online video call. You will always be given information about what to expect from an activity and you do not have to take part when invited. If you do decide to take part, you can change your mind at any time, without needing to explain.
Please note that all participation is voluntary and there is no payment for taking part.
This research is jointly funded by the National Trust for Scotland and the University of Stirling. The ethical approaches of this project have been approved via The University of Stirling General University Ethics Panel.
Featured image: University and Trust staff participating in a group walk and discussion, Bannockburn. Photo credit: Siân Jones.
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