
Below are some selected readings/resources relating to prior projects that have informed this research:

Jones, S. (2017) Wrestling with the social value of heritage: problems, dilemmas and opportunities. Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage, 4 (1), pp. 21-37.

Jones, S. & Leech, S. (2015) Valuing the Historic Environment: a critical review of existing approaches to social value. AHRC Cultural Value Report.

Jones, S. (2004) Early Medieval Sculpture and the Production of Meaning, Value and Place: The Case of Hilton of Cadboll. Historic Scotland. Edinburgh: Historic Scotland.

Robson, E. (2023) Assessing the Social Values of Built Heritage: Participatory Methods as Ways of Knowing, Architecture 3(3): 428-445.   

Robson E. (2021) Social Value Toolkit. [Website].

Robson, E. (2021) Wrestling with Social Value: An Examination of Methods and Approaches for Assessing Social Value in Heritage Management and Conservation. [PhD thesis] University of Stirling.

Deep Cities – Curbatheri (2023) Deep Cities Toolbox – How do I assess the social values associated with the deep city? [Website] 

Bonacchi, C., Jones, S., Broccoli, E., Hiscock, A. and Robson, E. (2023) Researching heritage values in social media environments: understanding variabilities and (in)visibilities, International Journal of Heritage Studies.

Jones, S., Bonacchi, C., Robson, E., Broccoli, E., Hiscock, A., Biondi, A., Nucciotti, M., Guttormsen, T.S., Fouseki, K., and Díaz-Andreu, M. (2024) Assessing the dynamic social values of the ‘deep city’: An integrated methodology combining online and offline approaches, Progress in Planning. DOI:

Featured image: A university colleague reads one of the interpretation panels at Alloa Tower during a joint visit with Trust staff. Photo credit: Siân Jones

Theme by the University of Stirling

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