Category: Updates

Pilot Site Selection

Over the last few months, the Research Team have been working to identify a group of properties that will be the focus for the pilot social values assessments. With such an interesting variety of places in the Trust’s portfolio, any one of which has the potential to be a fascinating study, coming up with a short list was no easy task!

Phase One Research Underway

The project team had a busy few months in the latter part of 2023 as Phase One of the research, the organisational scoping, got underway. In November we launched a survey, open to all National Trust for Scotland staff and volunteers, to explore current understandings and approaches to social value. During November and December, we also held three focus group discussions.

Early days

It’s still early days, but we’re really excited to be embarking on this new research project in collaboration with colleagues at the National Trust for Scotland! During this initial phase of setting up the research, we have already had some really interesting discussions about social value with Trust staff, volunteers, and partners.

Theme by the University of Stirling

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